March 2018 Trestle Board
The March. 2018 Trestleboard. Get all the latest information!

February 2018 Trestle Board
The Jan. 2018 Trestleboard. Get all the latest information!

January 2018 Trestle Board
The Jan. 2018 Trestleboard. Get all the latest information!
Manatee Lodge #31 Christmas Party
The Lodge Christmas party was held this year on December 16th, 2017. Our Junior Warden Matt Steiner's amazing wife Lynn did a wonderful job putting the event together and making Matt look good once again. The decorations were up and provided a measure of good cheer while everyone sat down to Hot-dogs and Hamburgers and enough desert to overload the small army of children in attendance but the best part was when Santa showed up with his elves. The kids had a great time talking to Santa and getting their presents.
The effort that went into the games was pretty overwhelming as the ball of plastic wrap was passed around the table 6 or 7 times before it gave up all its Christmas goodies to the eager players.
All in all a great time was had by everyone and if you have not been to the lodge for these events you are surely missing out. Make sure to catch the next one as our new Junior Warden Nick Evans will surely be looking to step up his game this coming year.
The effort that went into the games was pretty overwhelming as the ball of plastic wrap was passed around the table 6 or 7 times before it gave up all its Christmas goodies to the eager players.
All in all a great time was had by everyone and if you have not been to the lodge for these events you are surely missing out. Make sure to catch the next one as our new Junior Warden Nick Evans will surely be looking to step up his game this coming year.